1. Call to Order by Mayor Douglas. 2. Approval of Edmond City Council Meeting Minutes: A. April 12, 2010
City Council Appointments to Boards and Commissions: A. Mayor's Appointments: 1. Rick Smith with Municipal Finance Services, to the Subcommittee for Funding the Public Safety Center Project. B. Ward 1 Reappointment of James Argo to the Edmond Historic Preservation Trust; term expires March 2013.
General Consent Items:
A. Consideration of Approval of Administrative Items:
1. Acceptance of City Manager's Financial Report.
A. Month ending March 31, 2010. (15-27)
2. Acceptance of City Treasurer's Investment Report.
A. Month Ending March 31, 2010. (28-30)
3. Memorandum of Understanding between Edmond Public Schools and The City of Edmond Police Department for upcoming school year (10-11) regarding the use of the K9.
4. Approval of Contract with the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments (ACOG) to provide traffic data collections. (35-54)
5. Acceptance of Easement from Independent School District No. 12 of Oklahoma County (Edmond Public Schools) for a sanitary sewer line located near Campbell and Kelly Avenue. (55)
6. Acknowledge receipt of Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) Construction Permits.
7. Approval of Supplemental Appropriations to Field Services-Traffic Signals - $45,000. (57)
B. Consideration of Approval of Ordinances and Resolutions:
1. Discussion and Consideration of Resolution No._____ Authorizing the Mayor to sign a Project Agreement with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) project (Stimulus Funds) to Resurface Locations on Edmond Road, Danforth Road, Kelly Avenue and 15th Street - $1,797,147.20. (58-71)
C. Approval of Purchases:
1. Approval of budgeted funds for Capital and Operating Expenditures for the Guthrie/Edmond Regional Airport - $5,175.76. (72-74)
6. Approval of EPWA Meeting Minutes: A. April 12, 2010 (75-76) <Adjourn Public Works Authority Meeting and Reconvene City Council Meeting>
Discussion of a partnership agreement with the YMCA relating to the construction and operation of a recreational center in Mitch Park.
9. Executive Session to discuss the purchase of real property generally located in the vicinity of Kelly Avenue and Covell Road. (Executive Session authorized pursuant to 25 Okla. Stat. Section 307 (B)(4). 10. Consideration of action with regard to the purchase of real property generally located in the vicinity of Kelly Avenue and Covell Road. 11. Citizens Comments - (This is an opportunity for citizens to address the City Council. Remarks should be directed to City Council as a whole and limited to five minutes or less.) 12. New Business - (In accordance with the Open Meeting Act, new business is defined as any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting of the agenda.) 13. Adjournment.
1. Call to Order by Mayor Douglas. 2. Approval of Edmond City Council Meeting Minutes: A. April 12, 2010
City Council Appointments to Boards and Commissions: A. Mayor's Appointments: 1. Rick Smith with Municipal Finance Services, to the Subcommittee for Funding the Public Safety Center Project. B. Ward 1 Reappointment of James Argo to the Edmond Historic Preservation Trust; term expires March 2013.
General Consent Items:
A. Consideration of Approval of Administrative Items:
1. Acceptance of City Manager's Financial Report.
A. Month ending March 31, 2010. (15-27)
2. Acceptance of City Treasurer's Investment Report.
A. Month Ending March 31, 2010. (28-30)
3. Memorandum of Understanding between Edmond Public Schools and The City of Edmond Police Department for upcoming school year (10-11) regarding the use of the K9.
4. Approval of Contract with the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments (ACOG) to provide traffic data collections. (35-54)
5. Acceptance of Easement from Independent School District No. 12 of Oklahoma County (Edmond Public Schools) for a sanitary sewer line located near Campbell and Kelly Avenue. (55)
6. Acknowledge receipt of Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) Construction Permits.
7. Approval of Supplemental Appropriations to Field Services-Traffic Signals - $45,000. (57)
B. Consideration of Approval of Ordinances and Resolutions:
1. Discussion and Consideration of Resolution No._____ Authorizing the Mayor to sign a Project Agreement with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) project (Stimulus Funds) to Resurface Locations on Edmond Road, Danforth Road, Kelly Avenue and 15th Street - $1,797,147.20. (58-71)
C. Approval of Purchases:
1. Approval of budgeted funds for Capital and Operating Expenditures for the Guthrie/Edmond Regional Airport - $5,175.76. (72-74)
6. Approval of EPWA Meeting Minutes: A. April 12, 2010 (75-76) <Adjourn Public Works Authority Meeting and Reconvene City Council Meeting>
Discussion of a partnership agreement with the YMCA relating to the construction and operation of a recreational center in Mitch Park.
9. Executive Session to discuss the purchase of real property generally located in the vicinity of Kelly Avenue and Covell Road. (Executive Session authorized pursuant to 25 Okla. Stat. Section 307 (B)(4). 10. Consideration of action with regard to the purchase of real property generally located in the vicinity of Kelly Avenue and Covell Road. 11. Citizens Comments - (This is an opportunity for citizens to address the City Council. Remarks should be directed to City Council as a whole and limited to five minutes or less.) 12. New Business - (In accordance with the Open Meeting Act, new business is defined as any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting of the agenda.) 13. Adjournment.