1. Call to Order by Mayor Douglas. 2. Approval of Edmond City Council Meeting Minutes: A. February 24, 2010
City Council Presentations: A. City Manager's Progress Report. B. Presentation of City of Edmond’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and financial audits for the year ending June 30th, 2009, by Arledge and Associates, P.C.
City Council Appointments to Boards and Commissions: A. Mayor's Appointments: 1. Randy Nail to the Employee Pension and Retirement Board to replace Bill Zeigler; term expires March 2012. 2. Bob Ault to the Edmond Historic Preservation Trust to replace Dr. James Watson; term expires March 2013. 3. Youth Member Paige Mihalsky to the Edmond Historic Preservation Trust to replace Kaley White; term expires May 2010. B. University of Central Oklahoma (UCO) Reappointment of Charlie Johnson to the Central Edmond B. University of Central Oklahoma (UCO) Reappointment of Charlie Johnson to the Central Edmond Urban Development Board; term expires October 2010.
General Consent Items: A. Consideration of Approval of Administrative Items: B. Consideration of Approval of Ordinances and Resolutions
Planning Consent Items: A. Case #ES100002 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No.______ closing the east portion of Kickingbird Road, approximately one half mile east of Bryant. (BVP Arbor Place, L.L.C.) (139-149) B. Case #ES100003 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No.______ closing a portion of a
Case #VA100003 Consideration of variance from Title 15 to allow a sign on a canopy at 555 S. Kelly for Slim Chickens Restaurant. (Tom Gordon)
Case #VA090019 Consideration of variance from Title 15 regarding the use of electronic display for gasoline prices at the Turbo Express car wash at 1800 E. Second Street, located on the south side of Second Street, east of Bryant Square. (Turbo Express)
11. Citizens Comments - (This is an opportunity for citizens to address the City Council. Remarks should be directed to City Council as a whole and limited to five minutes or less.) 12. New Business - (In accordance with the Open Meeting Act, new business is defined as any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting of the agenda.) 13. Adjournment
1. Call to Order by Mayor Douglas. 2. Approval of Edmond City Council Meeting Minutes: A. February 24, 2010
City Council Presentations: A. City Manager's Progress Report. B. Presentation of City of Edmond’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and financial audits for the year ending June 30th, 2009, by Arledge and Associates, P.C.
City Council Appointments to Boards and Commissions: A. Mayor's Appointments: 1. Randy Nail to the Employee Pension and Retirement Board to replace Bill Zeigler; term expires March 2012. 2. Bob Ault to the Edmond Historic Preservation Trust to replace Dr. James Watson; term expires March 2013. 3. Youth Member Paige Mihalsky to the Edmond Historic Preservation Trust to replace Kaley White; term expires May 2010. B. University of Central Oklahoma (UCO) Reappointment of Charlie Johnson to the Central Edmond B. University of Central Oklahoma (UCO) Reappointment of Charlie Johnson to the Central Edmond Urban Development Board; term expires October 2010.
General Consent Items: A. Consideration of Approval of Administrative Items: B. Consideration of Approval of Ordinances and Resolutions
Planning Consent Items: A. Case #ES100002 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No.______ closing the east portion of Kickingbird Road, approximately one half mile east of Bryant. (BVP Arbor Place, L.L.C.) (139-149) B. Case #ES100003 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No.______ closing a portion of a
Case #VA100003 Consideration of variance from Title 15 to allow a sign on a canopy at 555 S. Kelly for Slim Chickens Restaurant. (Tom Gordon)
Case #VA090019 Consideration of variance from Title 15 regarding the use of electronic display for gasoline prices at the Turbo Express car wash at 1800 E. Second Street, located on the south side of Second Street, east of Bryant Square. (Turbo Express)
11. Citizens Comments - (This is an opportunity for citizens to address the City Council. Remarks should be directed to City Council as a whole and limited to five minutes or less.) 12. New Business - (In accordance with the Open Meeting Act, new business is defined as any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting of the agenda.) 13. Adjournment