1. Call to Order by Mayor Douglas. 2. Approval of Edmond City Council Meeting Minutes: A. December 22, 2009
General Consent Items:
A. Consideration of Approval of Administrative Items:
1. Approval of Option and Lease Agreement with American Towers, Inc. for the use of city land (expansion area of Service-Blake Soccer Complex) for the purpose of constructing and operation of a cell tower.
2. Acceptance of Easements from BVP Arbor Place, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company for the Spring Creek Sanitary Sewer Inteceptor, Phase II Improvements.
3. Acceptance of Easements from Covell 35 Development, L.L.C. for the Covell and Sooner Water System Improvements Project.
B. Approval of Purchases:
1. Approval of Assignment of Engineering Design Contract for the Bryant Bridge Project from FBS Engineers, Inc. to Utley and Associates, PLLC.
2. Approval of Assignment of Engineering Design Contract for the Coltrane Bridge Project from FBS Engineers, Inc. to Utley and Associates, PLLC.
3. Approval of Disposal Disposition of Used Vehicles for the Fleet Management Department.
4. Approval of Agreement for Services with Pinnacle Mapping Technologies, Inc. to update digital ortho photography, contour and planimetric mapping for GIS - $109,763.
5. Acceptance of Bid and Approval of Contract for the Soccer Field Expansion Project and Resolution No.___ Appointing Purchasing Agent for the Engineering Department - $1,316,161.30.
6. Approval of Change Order No. 3 to the Construction Contract with All Roads Paving for the FY '09 3R Program Contract #1 and Capitol View Traffic Circle Project (Bid #B09-007).
5. Approval of EPWA Meeting Minutes:
A. December 22, 2009
6. General Consent Items:
A. Approval of Purchases:
1. Approval of Bid Disposition by the Purchasing Manager.
2. Approval of Change Order No. 1 to the Construction Contract with JS Haren Company for the Coffee Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase 2 Improvements Project - $47,065.36.
Case #SP090023 Public Hearing and Consideration of Amended Commercial Site Plan for 80 E. 5th Street. (Mark Neighbors)
8. Case #Z090026 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No.______ Amending the Edmond Plan from Single Family PUD, Medium Density Multi-Family PUD and High Density Multi-Family PUD to Planned Unit Development allowing 345 apartment units known as Coffee Creek Commons located on the north side of Covell Road, east of Shortgrass. (Covell Road Properties, L.L.C.) This item has been continued until February 22, 2010 at the request of the applicant. 9. Case #Z090027 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No.______ Rezoning from “A” Single Family PUD, “C-2” Medium Density Multi-Family PUD and “C-3” High Density Multi-Family PUD to Planned Unit Development allowing 345 apartment units known as Coffee Creek Commons located on the north side of Covell Road, east of Shortgrass. (Covell Road Properties, L.L.C.) This item has been continued until February 22, 2010 at the request of the applicant.
Case #PR090019 Consideration of Final Plat of Fox Lake Plaza Section I, located north of the Wal-Mart driveway on the I-35 frontage road, approximately one quarter mile north of Fifteenth Street. (Frank Battle)
Case #PR030030 Consideration of amended Final Plat of the Fox Lake Plaza addition, now to be known as Fox Lake Plaza, Section II, located west of I-35, north of the Wal-Mart at Fifteenth Street and I-35. (Frank Battle)
Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No. _____ Amending The Following Sections In Title 22 Zoning Ordinance; Section 1, Table Of Contents, Chapter 4. 22.4.10; Section 2, Section 22.3.1 Common Review Procedures, (F)(4)(C); Section 3, Section 22.4.10 The Title C-3, High Density Multiple-Family Residential And Community Services; Section 4, Section 22.4.23 CBD, Central Business District (B) District Use Table; Section 5, Section 22.4.36 Supplemental Use Standards (G) Retail Sales And Service; Section 6, Section 22.4.37 Accessory Uses (B) Accessory Structure Dimensional Standards (3); Section 7, Section 22.6.1 General Standards (C) Off-Street Parking (3) Maximum Space Requirements, High-Occupancy Multiple-Family Dwelling Parking Standards; Section 8, Section 22.9.2 Defined Terms (B) To Add Definitions; Section 9, New Section 22.6.1 General Standards (C) Off Street Parking (11) Bicycle Parking Facilities; Section 10, Section 22.6.2 I-35 Corridor District Supplemental Site Design Standards (D) I-35 Site Landscaping (2) Plant Density (D); Providing For Repealer And Severability
Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No.____ Amending The Following Sections In Title 22 Zoning Ordinance; Section 1, Section 22.3.4 Planned Unit Development (PUD) Rezoning (C) (3) Application Requirements; Section 2, Section22.4.33 Pud Planned Unit Development District (A) Purpose, (1); And (B) PUD Authorized (4) Effect; Providing For Repealer And Severability
Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No.____ Amending The Following Section In Title 22 Zoning Ordinance; Section 22.5.1 Residential Standards (A) Base Standards; Providing For Repealer And Severability
Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No.____ Amending The Following Section In Title 22 Zoning Ordinance; Section I, Section 22.6.5 Sensitive Border Standards (D) Sensitive Border Yards (1) Base Yards; Providing For Repealer And Severability
Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No.____ Amending The Following Section In Title 22 Zoning Ordinance; Section 22.6.5 Sensitive Border Standards (D) Sensitive Border Yards (4) Variance; Providing For Repealer And Severability
13. Executive Session to discuss the purchase of real property generally located in the vicinity of the Central Edmond Urban District. (Executive Session authorized pursuant to 25 Okla. Stat. Section 307 (B)(4). 14. Consideration of action with regard to the purchase of real property generally located in the vicinity of the Central Edmond Urban District.
15. Citizens Comments - (This is an opportunity for citizens to address the City Council. Remarks should be directed to City Council as a whole and limited to five minutes or less.) 16. New Business - (In accordance with the Open Meeting Act, new business is defined as any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting of the agenda.) 17. Adjournment.
1. Call to Order by Mayor Douglas. 2. Approval of Edmond City Council Meeting Minutes: A. December 22, 2009
General Consent Items:
A. Consideration of Approval of Administrative Items:
1. Approval of Option and Lease Agreement with American Towers, Inc. for the use of city land (expansion area of Service-Blake Soccer Complex) for the purpose of constructing and operation of a cell tower.
2. Acceptance of Easements from BVP Arbor Place, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company for the Spring Creek Sanitary Sewer Inteceptor, Phase II Improvements.
3. Acceptance of Easements from Covell 35 Development, L.L.C. for the Covell and Sooner Water System Improvements Project.
B. Approval of Purchases:
1. Approval of Assignment of Engineering Design Contract for the Bryant Bridge Project from FBS Engineers, Inc. to Utley and Associates, PLLC.
2. Approval of Assignment of Engineering Design Contract for the Coltrane Bridge Project from FBS Engineers, Inc. to Utley and Associates, PLLC.
3. Approval of Disposal Disposition of Used Vehicles for the Fleet Management Department.
4. Approval of Agreement for Services with Pinnacle Mapping Technologies, Inc. to update digital ortho photography, contour and planimetric mapping for GIS - $109,763.
5. Acceptance of Bid and Approval of Contract for the Soccer Field Expansion Project and Resolution No.___ Appointing Purchasing Agent for the Engineering Department - $1,316,161.30.
6. Approval of Change Order No. 3 to the Construction Contract with All Roads Paving for the FY '09 3R Program Contract #1 and Capitol View Traffic Circle Project (Bid #B09-007).
5. Approval of EPWA Meeting Minutes:
A. December 22, 2009
6. General Consent Items:
A. Approval of Purchases:
1. Approval of Bid Disposition by the Purchasing Manager.
2. Approval of Change Order No. 1 to the Construction Contract with JS Haren Company for the Coffee Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase 2 Improvements Project - $47,065.36.
Case #SP090023 Public Hearing and Consideration of Amended Commercial Site Plan for 80 E. 5th Street. (Mark Neighbors)
8. Case #Z090026 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No.______ Amending the Edmond Plan from Single Family PUD, Medium Density Multi-Family PUD and High Density Multi-Family PUD to Planned Unit Development allowing 345 apartment units known as Coffee Creek Commons located on the north side of Covell Road, east of Shortgrass. (Covell Road Properties, L.L.C.) This item has been continued until February 22, 2010 at the request of the applicant. 9. Case #Z090027 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No.______ Rezoning from “A” Single Family PUD, “C-2” Medium Density Multi-Family PUD and “C-3” High Density Multi-Family PUD to Planned Unit Development allowing 345 apartment units known as Coffee Creek Commons located on the north side of Covell Road, east of Shortgrass. (Covell Road Properties, L.L.C.) This item has been continued until February 22, 2010 at the request of the applicant.
Case #PR090019 Consideration of Final Plat of Fox Lake Plaza Section I, located north of the Wal-Mart driveway on the I-35 frontage road, approximately one quarter mile north of Fifteenth Street. (Frank Battle)
Case #PR030030 Consideration of amended Final Plat of the Fox Lake Plaza addition, now to be known as Fox Lake Plaza, Section II, located west of I-35, north of the Wal-Mart at Fifteenth Street and I-35. (Frank Battle)
Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No. _____ Amending The Following Sections In Title 22 Zoning Ordinance; Section 1, Table Of Contents, Chapter 4. 22.4.10; Section 2, Section 22.3.1 Common Review Procedures, (F)(4)(C); Section 3, Section 22.4.10 The Title C-3, High Density Multiple-Family Residential And Community Services; Section 4, Section 22.4.23 CBD, Central Business District (B) District Use Table; Section 5, Section 22.4.36 Supplemental Use Standards (G) Retail Sales And Service; Section 6, Section 22.4.37 Accessory Uses (B) Accessory Structure Dimensional Standards (3); Section 7, Section 22.6.1 General Standards (C) Off-Street Parking (3) Maximum Space Requirements, High-Occupancy Multiple-Family Dwelling Parking Standards; Section 8, Section 22.9.2 Defined Terms (B) To Add Definitions; Section 9, New Section 22.6.1 General Standards (C) Off Street Parking (11) Bicycle Parking Facilities; Section 10, Section 22.6.2 I-35 Corridor District Supplemental Site Design Standards (D) I-35 Site Landscaping (2) Plant Density (D); Providing For Repealer And Severability
Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No.____ Amending The Following Sections In Title 22 Zoning Ordinance; Section 1, Section 22.3.4 Planned Unit Development (PUD) Rezoning (C) (3) Application Requirements; Section 2, Section22.4.33 Pud Planned Unit Development District (A) Purpose, (1); And (B) PUD Authorized (4) Effect; Providing For Repealer And Severability
Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No.____ Amending The Following Section In Title 22 Zoning Ordinance; Section 22.5.1 Residential Standards (A) Base Standards; Providing For Repealer And Severability
Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No.____ Amending The Following Section In Title 22 Zoning Ordinance; Section I, Section 22.6.5 Sensitive Border Standards (D) Sensitive Border Yards (1) Base Yards; Providing For Repealer And Severability
Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No.____ Amending The Following Section In Title 22 Zoning Ordinance; Section 22.6.5 Sensitive Border Standards (D) Sensitive Border Yards (4) Variance; Providing For Repealer And Severability
13. Executive Session to discuss the purchase of real property generally located in the vicinity of the Central Edmond Urban District. (Executive Session authorized pursuant to 25 Okla. Stat. Section 307 (B)(4). 14. Consideration of action with regard to the purchase of real property generally located in the vicinity of the Central Edmond Urban District.
15. Citizens Comments - (This is an opportunity for citizens to address the City Council. Remarks should be directed to City Council as a whole and limited to five minutes or less.) 16. New Business - (In accordance with the Open Meeting Act, new business is defined as any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting of the agenda.) 17. Adjournment.