1. Call to Order by Mayor Douglas. 2. Approval of Edmond City Council Meeting Minutes: 28 September 2009
City Council Presentations: A. Presentation of The Government Finance Officers Association's "Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting" Award for FY 07-08. B.Presentation of National Association of Government Defined Contribution Administrators (NAGDCA) Award for Leadership to the Treasurer's Office. C. Proclamation recognizing October 18 - 24, 2009 as Save For Retirement week. D. Proclamation recognizing October 2009 as National Arts and Humanities Month.
Ward 4 Reappointment of Angie Smith to the Kickingbird Tennis Board; term expires October 2012.
A. Consideration of Approval of Administrative Items: 1.Approval of Electric Easement: Faith Bible Church, 600 N Coltrane. 2. Approval of Transfer of Appropriation for the Park Tax Fund - $45,000 for the renovation and improvement of the fabric tennis structure. B. Consideration of Approval of Ordinances and Resolutions: 1. Approval of Resolution No.________ creating the Ambulatory Services Fund for the City of Edmond. 2. Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No. _______ Amending Title 23, Stormwater Drainage, of the Edmond Municipal Code, Adding Section 23.20.050(E) Requirements Relating to Developments to Provide for Low Impact Development; and Providing for Repealer and Severability. 3. Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No. _________ Amending and Renaming the Edmond Municipal Code Section 10.32.020 Unsafe Turns; and Providing for Repealer and Severability. C. Approval of Purchases: 1. Acceptance of Bid for 35' Aerial Device for the Fleet Management Department - $92,598.30. 2. Acceptance of Bid for Advanced Medical Life Support Training for the Fire Department - $52,000. 3. Acceptance of Bid and Approval of Change Order No. 1 for CDBG Housing Rehabilitation at 1112 N. Washington from LG Construction - $33,213. 4. Acceptance of Proposal from Signature Structures LLC for Repairs and Improvements to the Fabric Tennis Structure at the Kickingbird Tennis Center - $42,850.
Acceptance of a Maintenance Bond for the Purchase and Installation of a Multi Drive Electric In-Line Grinder at the Spring Creek Wastewater Lift Station, 5004 East Second Street.
Case #Z090025 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ for Plan Amendment from Suburban Office Planned Unit Development to Planned Unit Development located north of Locust Lane, west of Bryant Avenue. (Turner and Company)Emergency approval required.
Case #Z090024 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ Rezoning from “D-O” Suburban Office Planned Unit Development to Planned Unit Development located north of Locust Lane, west of Bryant Avenue. (Turner and Company)
Discussion and Consideration of scheduling workshops and public input meetings regarding the Public Safety Center Project.
Executive Session to discuss pending claim: Vaden vs. City. (Executive Session authorized pursuant to 25 Okla. Stat. Section 307 (B)(4).
Citizens Comments - (This is an opportunity for citizens to address the City Council. Remarks should be directed to City Council as a whole and limited to five minutes or less.)
15. New Business - (In accordance with the Open Meeting Act, new business is defined as any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting of the agenda.) 16. Adjournment.
1. Call to Order by Mayor Douglas. 2. Approval of Edmond City Council Meeting Minutes: 28 September 2009
City Council Presentations: A. Presentation of The Government Finance Officers Association's "Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting" Award for FY 07-08. B.Presentation of National Association of Government Defined Contribution Administrators (NAGDCA) Award for Leadership to the Treasurer's Office. C. Proclamation recognizing October 18 - 24, 2009 as Save For Retirement week. D. Proclamation recognizing October 2009 as National Arts and Humanities Month.
Ward 4 Reappointment of Angie Smith to the Kickingbird Tennis Board; term expires October 2012.
A. Consideration of Approval of Administrative Items: 1.Approval of Electric Easement: Faith Bible Church, 600 N Coltrane. 2. Approval of Transfer of Appropriation for the Park Tax Fund - $45,000 for the renovation and improvement of the fabric tennis structure. B. Consideration of Approval of Ordinances and Resolutions: 1. Approval of Resolution No.________ creating the Ambulatory Services Fund for the City of Edmond. 2. Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No. _______ Amending Title 23, Stormwater Drainage, of the Edmond Municipal Code, Adding Section 23.20.050(E) Requirements Relating to Developments to Provide for Low Impact Development; and Providing for Repealer and Severability. 3. Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No. _________ Amending and Renaming the Edmond Municipal Code Section 10.32.020 Unsafe Turns; and Providing for Repealer and Severability. C. Approval of Purchases: 1. Acceptance of Bid for 35' Aerial Device for the Fleet Management Department - $92,598.30. 2. Acceptance of Bid for Advanced Medical Life Support Training for the Fire Department - $52,000. 3. Acceptance of Bid and Approval of Change Order No. 1 for CDBG Housing Rehabilitation at 1112 N. Washington from LG Construction - $33,213. 4. Acceptance of Proposal from Signature Structures LLC for Repairs and Improvements to the Fabric Tennis Structure at the Kickingbird Tennis Center - $42,850.
Acceptance of a Maintenance Bond for the Purchase and Installation of a Multi Drive Electric In-Line Grinder at the Spring Creek Wastewater Lift Station, 5004 East Second Street.
Case #Z090025 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ for Plan Amendment from Suburban Office Planned Unit Development to Planned Unit Development located north of Locust Lane, west of Bryant Avenue. (Turner and Company)Emergency approval required.
Case #Z090024 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ Rezoning from “D-O” Suburban Office Planned Unit Development to Planned Unit Development located north of Locust Lane, west of Bryant Avenue. (Turner and Company)
Discussion and Consideration of scheduling workshops and public input meetings regarding the Public Safety Center Project.
Executive Session to discuss pending claim: Vaden vs. City. (Executive Session authorized pursuant to 25 Okla. Stat. Section 307 (B)(4).
Citizens Comments - (This is an opportunity for citizens to address the City Council. Remarks should be directed to City Council as a whole and limited to five minutes or less.)
15. New Business - (In accordance with the Open Meeting Act, new business is defined as any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting of the agenda.) 16. Adjournment.