Call to Order by Mayor O’Neil. Approval of Edmond City Council Meeting Minutes – April 14, 2008
A) Character Council Presentation By Gerald Coury to the Edmond Family Counseling Center. B) Recognition of the Edmond Youth Council Participants. C) Proclamation recognizing May 18, 2008 as Edmond Peace Officers’ Memorial Day and May 12th through the 18th as National Police Week.
City Council Appointments to Boards and Commission
A) Mayor’s Appointment of Shirley Kendrick to the Arts and Humanities Council to replace Dave Hansen; term will expire February 2011. B) Ward 2 Appointment of Harold Spurr to the Visual Arts Commission to replace Gloria Hulva; term will expire April 2011. C) Ward 3 Reappointment of Derek England to the Kickingbird Golf Club Advisory Board; term will expire May 2009. D) Downtown Edmond Business Association Reappointment of Bryanne Wallace to the Central Edmond Urban Development Board; term will expire March 2009. E) Edmond Tennis Association Reappointment of Jeff Reese to the Kickingbird Tennis Center Advisory Board; term will expire March 2011.
A) Consideration of Approval of Administrative Items: B)Approval of Purchases:
6. Approval of EPWA Meeting Minutes – April 14, 2008 (55) 7. General Consent Items: A) Approval of Purchases: 1) Approval of Contract Amendment with C.H. Guernsey & Company for the Willow Creek Drainage Project; $18,107. (57-58) 2) Approval of Sole Supplier Purchase of an in-line wastewater grinder for lift station pump protection from Fluid Equipment Co.; $45,731. (59-60)
A) Case #PR080008 Consideration of Final Plat of Shoppes at Central Parke, located on the northwest corner of Kelly and West Edmond Road. (Aduddell) (61-62) B) Case # PR080003 Consideration of Final Plat for the Lowe’s of North Edmond Subdivision, located west of Kelly Avenue, south of Walgreen’s at Covell and Kelly. (Lowe’s Home Improvement Center) (63-64) C) Case #SP070003 Public Hearing and Consideration of Extension of Commercial Site Plan for Harrison Levy, located south of Danforth, west of Chowning, east of the Auto Zone. (65-75) D) Case #PR080009 Consideration of Final Plat of Cedar Pointe Professional Park, located on the east side of Santa Fe, west of the Cedar Pointe Addition, just over half mile north of Danforth. (Mark Arledge and Richard Safi) (77-79) E) Case #PR080010 Consideration of Final Plat for The Summit, generally located east of I-35, north of Second Street, extending north, near Danforth. (Summit Property Development, LLC) (81-82) F) Public Hearing and Consideration of Change in Cheyenne Ridge Villas Final Plat for a re-plat to construct a retaining wall and add one lot, located south of 33rd Street, east of Bryant. (Neal McGee and Sam Tippens) (83-84)
9. Case #Z080004 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ amending Edmond Plan from Educational/Institutional to General Commercial for a 1,546 square feet area for a cellular communication tower, generally located immediately north of the YMCA building, east of Rankin. (T-Mobile) Emergency Approval Required (85-88)
10. Case #Z080005 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ Rezoning from “A” Single Family Dwelling District to “E-1” General Commercial District for a cellular communication tower, generally located immediately north of the YMCA building, east of Rankin. (T-Mobile) (89-95)
11. Case #Z080003 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ Rezoning from “R-2” Urban Estate to “A” Single Family Dwelling District on property generally located south of Covell Road, half mile west of Douglas. (Covell Development, LLC) (97-98)
12. Case #PR070040 Public Hearing and Consideration of the Preliminary Plat of Monarch Addition (formerly known as Sun Country), located on the east side of Midwest Boulevard, south of Covell Road. (Covell Development, LLC) (99-103)
12. Case #PR070040 Public Hearing and Consideration of the Preliminary Plat of Monarch Addition (formerly known as Sun Country), located on the east side of Midwest Boulevard, south of Covell Road. (Covell Development, LLC) (99-103) 13. Case #Z080012 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ amending Edmond Plan from Institutional/Lake Residential to General Commercial for two tracts of land generally located east of I-35, on the south side of Second Street, east of the existing entry drive to Life Church. (Life Covenant Church) Emergency Approval Required (105-109) 14. Case #Z080013 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ Rezoning from “G-A” General Agricultural to “E-1” General Commercial for two tracts of land generally located east of I-35, on the south side of Second Street, east of the existing
15. Case #ES080001 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ for a public utility easement closing located at 1633 Natchez Road. (Thomas & Karin Dallas) (115-117)
16. Case #PR070023 Public Hearing and Consideration of Preliminary Plat for Iron Horse Ranch V Addition, generally located north of Coffee Creek Road, west of Coltrane. (The Ranch Property Co., LLC) (119-122) 17. Case #PR070024 Consideration of Final Plat for Iron Horse Ranch V Addition, generally located north of Coffee Creek Road, west of Coltrane. (The Ranch Property Co., LLC) (123-128)
18. Case #SP080005 Public Hearing and Consideration of Site Plan Approval and Specific Use Permit for a fire sprinkled building at Cathedral of the Hills, located south of 15th Street, east of Bryant. (129-132)
20. Executive Session to discuss the appointment, employment of the City Manager and the City Attorney. (Executive session authorized pursuant to 25 Oklahoma. Stat. Section 307 (B)(1). 21. Executive Session proposed to discuss the purchase of real property generally located in the vicinity of the Central Edmond Urban District. (Executive Session authorized pursuant to 25 Okla. Stat. Section 307 (B)(3). 22. Executive Session to discuss pending claim; Estes vs. City. (Executive Session authorized pursuant to 25 Okla. Stat. Section 307 (B)(4).
23. Consideration of action with regard to the appointment, employment of the City Manager and City Attorney. 24. Consideration of action with regard to the purchase of real property generally located in the vicinity of the Central Edmond Urban District. 25. Consideration of action with regard to claim of Estes vs. City. 26. New Business. 27. Adjournment.
Call to Order by Mayor O’Neil. Approval of Edmond City Council Meeting Minutes – April 14, 2008
A) Character Council Presentation By Gerald Coury to the Edmond Family Counseling Center. B) Recognition of the Edmond Youth Council Participants. C) Proclamation recognizing May 18, 2008 as Edmond Peace Officers’ Memorial Day and May 12th through the 18th as National Police Week.
City Council Appointments to Boards and Commission
A) Mayor’s Appointment of Shirley Kendrick to the Arts and Humanities Council to replace Dave Hansen; term will expire February 2011. B) Ward 2 Appointment of Harold Spurr to the Visual Arts Commission to replace Gloria Hulva; term will expire April 2011. C) Ward 3 Reappointment of Derek England to the Kickingbird Golf Club Advisory Board; term will expire May 2009. D) Downtown Edmond Business Association Reappointment of Bryanne Wallace to the Central Edmond Urban Development Board; term will expire March 2009. E) Edmond Tennis Association Reappointment of Jeff Reese to the Kickingbird Tennis Center Advisory Board; term will expire March 2011.
A) Consideration of Approval of Administrative Items: B)Approval of Purchases:
6. Approval of EPWA Meeting Minutes – April 14, 2008 (55) 7. General Consent Items: A) Approval of Purchases: 1) Approval of Contract Amendment with C.H. Guernsey & Company for the Willow Creek Drainage Project; $18,107. (57-58) 2) Approval of Sole Supplier Purchase of an in-line wastewater grinder for lift station pump protection from Fluid Equipment Co.; $45,731. (59-60)
A) Case #PR080008 Consideration of Final Plat of Shoppes at Central Parke, located on the northwest corner of Kelly and West Edmond Road. (Aduddell) (61-62) B) Case # PR080003 Consideration of Final Plat for the Lowe’s of North Edmond Subdivision, located west of Kelly Avenue, south of Walgreen’s at Covell and Kelly. (Lowe’s Home Improvement Center) (63-64) C) Case #SP070003 Public Hearing and Consideration of Extension of Commercial Site Plan for Harrison Levy, located south of Danforth, west of Chowning, east of the Auto Zone. (65-75) D) Case #PR080009 Consideration of Final Plat of Cedar Pointe Professional Park, located on the east side of Santa Fe, west of the Cedar Pointe Addition, just over half mile north of Danforth. (Mark Arledge and Richard Safi) (77-79) E) Case #PR080010 Consideration of Final Plat for The Summit, generally located east of I-35, north of Second Street, extending north, near Danforth. (Summit Property Development, LLC) (81-82) F) Public Hearing and Consideration of Change in Cheyenne Ridge Villas Final Plat for a re-plat to construct a retaining wall and add one lot, located south of 33rd Street, east of Bryant. (Neal McGee and Sam Tippens) (83-84)
9. Case #Z080004 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ amending Edmond Plan from Educational/Institutional to General Commercial for a 1,546 square feet area for a cellular communication tower, generally located immediately north of the YMCA building, east of Rankin. (T-Mobile) Emergency Approval Required (85-88)
10. Case #Z080005 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ Rezoning from “A” Single Family Dwelling District to “E-1” General Commercial District for a cellular communication tower, generally located immediately north of the YMCA building, east of Rankin. (T-Mobile) (89-95)
11. Case #Z080003 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ Rezoning from “R-2” Urban Estate to “A” Single Family Dwelling District on property generally located south of Covell Road, half mile west of Douglas. (Covell Development, LLC) (97-98)
12. Case #PR070040 Public Hearing and Consideration of the Preliminary Plat of Monarch Addition (formerly known as Sun Country), located on the east side of Midwest Boulevard, south of Covell Road. (Covell Development, LLC) (99-103)
12. Case #PR070040 Public Hearing and Consideration of the Preliminary Plat of Monarch Addition (formerly known as Sun Country), located on the east side of Midwest Boulevard, south of Covell Road. (Covell Development, LLC) (99-103) 13. Case #Z080012 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ amending Edmond Plan from Institutional/Lake Residential to General Commercial for two tracts of land generally located east of I-35, on the south side of Second Street, east of the existing entry drive to Life Church. (Life Covenant Church) Emergency Approval Required (105-109) 14. Case #Z080013 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ Rezoning from “G-A” General Agricultural to “E-1” General Commercial for two tracts of land generally located east of I-35, on the south side of Second Street, east of the existing
15. Case #ES080001 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ for a public utility easement closing located at 1633 Natchez Road. (Thomas & Karin Dallas) (115-117)
16. Case #PR070023 Public Hearing and Consideration of Preliminary Plat for Iron Horse Ranch V Addition, generally located north of Coffee Creek Road, west of Coltrane. (The Ranch Property Co., LLC) (119-122) 17. Case #PR070024 Consideration of Final Plat for Iron Horse Ranch V Addition, generally located north of Coffee Creek Road, west of Coltrane. (The Ranch Property Co., LLC) (123-128)
18. Case #SP080005 Public Hearing and Consideration of Site Plan Approval and Specific Use Permit for a fire sprinkled building at Cathedral of the Hills, located south of 15th Street, east of Bryant. (129-132)
20. Executive Session to discuss the appointment, employment of the City Manager and the City Attorney. (Executive session authorized pursuant to 25 Oklahoma. Stat. Section 307 (B)(1). 21. Executive Session proposed to discuss the purchase of real property generally located in the vicinity of the Central Edmond Urban District. (Executive Session authorized pursuant to 25 Okla. Stat. Section 307 (B)(3). 22. Executive Session to discuss pending claim; Estes vs. City. (Executive Session authorized pursuant to 25 Okla. Stat. Section 307 (B)(4).
23. Consideration of action with regard to the appointment, employment of the City Manager and City Attorney. 24. Consideration of action with regard to the purchase of real property generally located in the vicinity of the Central Edmond Urban District. 25. Consideration of action with regard to claim of Estes vs. City. 26. New Business. 27. Adjournment.