1. Call to Order by Mayor O’Neil. 2. Approval of Edmond City Council Meeting Minutes – March 24, 2008 (5-18)
City Council Presentations: A) Presentation of a $20,000 award to Edmond Electric for achievement of certification as a competitive utility by Cindy Holman, General Manager of Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority (OMPA). B) Proclamation recognizing April 22, 2008 as Earth Day. C) Proclamation recognizing April 13, 2008 through April 19, 2008 as National Telecommunicator’s Week. D) City Manager’s Progress Report.
City Council Appointments to Boards and Commissions: A) Employee Pension and Retirement Board Appointment of Dave McKee to fulfill the unexpired term of Roberta Smith as retired representative; term expires July 2009.
Consideration of Request from Petra Industries for funding from the Edmond Electric Economic Development Fund to pay for building permit fees required for a facility expansion, estimated at $1,576.80, as part of the Edmond Economic Development Authority (EEDA) Enhancement Package. (19-26)
General Consent Items: A) Consideration of Approval of Administrative Items: 1) Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ Amending Section 8.08.312 of the Edmond Municipal Code Providing for Prevention of Youth Access to Tobacco by Adding New Subsections 8.08.312(G) Required Signage in Retail Establishments; 8.08.312(H) Retail Employee Notice and Acknowledgement; 8.08.312(I) Tobacco Vending Machine Requirements; and 8.08.312(J) Public Access to Displayed or Sale of Tobacco Products – Assistance from Store Owner or Other Required; 8.08.312(K) Furnishing Cigarette Papers, Pipes, and Other Items Designed for Smoking or Ingestion of Tobacco to Minors; and Providing for Repealer and Severability. (27-32) 2) Approval of an Interlocal Agreement between the Board of County Commissioners of Oklahoma County and the City of Edmond to reconstruct, improve, repair and maintain certain city streets in the City of Edmond. (33) 3) Approval of Amendment to Resolution No. 01-08 and Agreement with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation for the Covell Road Widening, Broadway to Thomas Project; $143,246.35. (34) 4) Approval of Resolution No._______ Declaring 3-M Opti-Com Pre- Emption Equipment Obsolete and Surplus and Providing for Donation to the City of Cushing. (35-36) 5) Acknowledge receipt of Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Construction Permits of a water line and sewer line to serve Hundred Oaks Village Phase 2. (37)
General Consent Items: A) Consideration of Approval of Administrative Items: 1) Approval of Transfer of Appropriation for the Water Fund; $50,000. (58) B) Approval of Purchases: 1) Acceptance of Bid and Approval of Agreement for the Contact Clarifier Painting at the Water Treatment Plant; $93,777. (59-60) 2) Acceptance of Bid for Utility Line Clearance by Circuit (B08-023) for Edmond Electric, estimated overall amount; $600,000. < Adjourn Public Works Authority Meeting and Reconvene City Council Meeting
Case #SP080006 Public Hearing and Consideration of Site Plan Approval for OnCue Express Convenience Store/Service Station, located on the east side of Broadway, between 8th and 9th Streets. (OnCue)
Case #SP070020 Public Hearing and Consideration of Extension of Commercial Site Plan for the Bridges at Spring Creek Shopping Center, generally located east of Bryant Avenue, north of 15th Street, and Hafer Park. (Sooner Development)
Executive Session to discuss pending claim: Nesbit vs. City. (Executive Session authorized pursuant to 25 Okla. Stat. Section 307
1. Call to Order by Mayor O’Neil. 2. Approval of Edmond City Council Meeting Minutes – March 24, 2008 (5-18)
City Council Presentations: A) Presentation of a $20,000 award to Edmond Electric for achievement of certification as a competitive utility by Cindy Holman, General Manager of Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority (OMPA). B) Proclamation recognizing April 22, 2008 as Earth Day. C) Proclamation recognizing April 13, 2008 through April 19, 2008 as National Telecommunicator’s Week. D) City Manager’s Progress Report.
City Council Appointments to Boards and Commissions: A) Employee Pension and Retirement Board Appointment of Dave McKee to fulfill the unexpired term of Roberta Smith as retired representative; term expires July 2009.
Consideration of Request from Petra Industries for funding from the Edmond Electric Economic Development Fund to pay for building permit fees required for a facility expansion, estimated at $1,576.80, as part of the Edmond Economic Development Authority (EEDA) Enhancement Package. (19-26)
General Consent Items: A) Consideration of Approval of Administrative Items: 1) Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ Amending Section 8.08.312 of the Edmond Municipal Code Providing for Prevention of Youth Access to Tobacco by Adding New Subsections 8.08.312(G) Required Signage in Retail Establishments; 8.08.312(H) Retail Employee Notice and Acknowledgement; 8.08.312(I) Tobacco Vending Machine Requirements; and 8.08.312(J) Public Access to Displayed or Sale of Tobacco Products – Assistance from Store Owner or Other Required; 8.08.312(K) Furnishing Cigarette Papers, Pipes, and Other Items Designed for Smoking or Ingestion of Tobacco to Minors; and Providing for Repealer and Severability. (27-32) 2) Approval of an Interlocal Agreement between the Board of County Commissioners of Oklahoma County and the City of Edmond to reconstruct, improve, repair and maintain certain city streets in the City of Edmond. (33) 3) Approval of Amendment to Resolution No. 01-08 and Agreement with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation for the Covell Road Widening, Broadway to Thomas Project; $143,246.35. (34) 4) Approval of Resolution No._______ Declaring 3-M Opti-Com Pre- Emption Equipment Obsolete and Surplus and Providing for Donation to the City of Cushing. (35-36) 5) Acknowledge receipt of Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Construction Permits of a water line and sewer line to serve Hundred Oaks Village Phase 2. (37)
General Consent Items: A) Consideration of Approval of Administrative Items: 1) Approval of Transfer of Appropriation for the Water Fund; $50,000. (58) B) Approval of Purchases: 1) Acceptance of Bid and Approval of Agreement for the Contact Clarifier Painting at the Water Treatment Plant; $93,777. (59-60) 2) Acceptance of Bid for Utility Line Clearance by Circuit (B08-023) for Edmond Electric, estimated overall amount; $600,000. < Adjourn Public Works Authority Meeting and Reconvene City Council Meeting
Case #SP080006 Public Hearing and Consideration of Site Plan Approval for OnCue Express Convenience Store/Service Station, located on the east side of Broadway, between 8th and 9th Streets. (OnCue)
Case #SP070020 Public Hearing and Consideration of Extension of Commercial Site Plan for the Bridges at Spring Creek Shopping Center, generally located east of Bryant Avenue, north of 15th Street, and Hafer Park. (Sooner Development)
Executive Session to discuss pending claim: Nesbit vs. City. (Executive Session authorized pursuant to 25 Okla. Stat. Section 307