1. Call to Order by Mayor O’Neil. 2. Approval of Edmond City Council Meeting Minutes – March 10, 2008 (5-9) 3. Approval of Edmond City Council Special Meeting Minutes – March 6, 2008
City Council Presentations: A) Presentation Recognizing March 2008 as DeMolay Month. B) Presentation to the Arbor Day Poster Contest winners in the City of Edmond. C) Proclamation Recognizing March 24 to March 28 as Arbor Week.
City Council Appointments to Boards and Commissions: A) Mayor’s Appointment of Janet Kem to the Arts and Humanities Council to replace Brenda Hornbeek; term expires February 2011. B) Mayor’s Appointment of Miles Mitzner to the Visual Arts Commission to replace Dr. Krista Jones; term expires March 2011. C) Mayor’s Appointment of Cindy Young to the Edmond Historic Preservation Trust to replace Bob Eaton; term expires March 2011.
General Consent Items: A) Consideration of Approval of Administrative Items: 1) Acceptance of City Manager’s Financial Report. (19-25) 2) Acceptance of City Treasurer’s Investment Report. (27-29) 3) Acceptance of Agreement between the Edmond Historical Society and the Edmond Historic Preservation Trust to provide for the operations and management of Edmond’s First Public Schoolhouse, located at 124 E. Second Street. (31-33) 4) Approval of Transfer of Appropriation to rebuild the crossing at 33rd Street. Funding to be provided in the 2000 Capital Improvements Tax Fund (CIPTF); $45,250. (35-36) 5) Approval of Transfer of Appropriation from the 2000 Capital Improvement Sales Tax Fund for the Kelly Widening from Danforth to Coffee Creek; $900,000. (37)
Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ Amending Title 10 of Edmond Municipal Code to add new Chapter 10.62 – Low-Speed Electrical Vehicles; Section 10.62.010 Definition; Section 10.62.020 Requirements; Section 10.62.030 Restrictions; and Section 10.62.040 Prohibition; and Providing for Repealer and Severability.
General Consent Items: A) Approval of Purchases: 1) Approval of an Emergency Construction Contract with Krapff-Reynolds Construction Company for Brookhaven North and Fairfax Golf Course Sanitary Sewer Repairs; $262,322.50. (57) 2) Acceptance of Bid for Clarifier Pipe Cleaning at the Water Treatment Plant; $72,072
Planning Consent Items: A) Public Hearing and Consideration of Request by Paul Iser to amend the previously accepted plat of the Augusta Farms Addition, regarding a deed approval to modify Lots 6 and 7, Block 1, Augusta Farms. (Paul Iser) (61-64) B) Case #PR070048 Consideration of Final Plat of the Summit II at Oak Tree, located south of Waterloo Road, approximately ½ mile east of Kelly. (Oak Tree Partners, LLC)
Case #SP070020 Public Hearing and Consideration of Extension of Commercial Site Plan for the Bridges at Spring Creek Shopping Center, generally located east of Bryant Avenue, north of 15th Street, south of Pelican Bay and Hafer Park. (Sooner Development)
Case #SP080001 Public Hearing and Consideration of Site Plan approval for a fire sprinkled office building at the Shoppes at Central Parke, located on the northwest corner of Kelly and West Edmond Road. (Aduddell)
Case #Z080006 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ amending Edmond Plan from Lake Commercial to Suburban Estate, located south of Clipper Crossing, east of I-35 and west of Perth Drive. (Land Improvement, LLC) Emergency Approval Required Case #Z080007 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ Rezoning from “L-4” General Lake Commercial to “R-2A” Suburban Estate Dwelling District, located south of Clipper Crossing, east of I-35 and west of Perth Drive. (Land Improvement, LLC)
Case #Z080004 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ amending Edmond Plan from Education/Institutional to General Commercial for a 1,546 square feet area for a cellular communication tower, generally located immediately north of the YMCA building, east of Rankin. (T-Mobile) Emergency Approval Required Case #Z080005 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ Rezoning from “A” Single Family Dwelling District to “E-1” General Commercial District for a cellular communication tower, generally located immediately north of the YMCA building, east of Rankin. (T-Mobile)
Executive Session to discuss pending claims: Assemi vs. City; Hatchel vs. City. (Executive Session authorized pursuant to 25 Okla. Stat. Section 307 (B)(4).
Discussion and Consideration of Edmond’s opposition to pending House Bill 1739 regarding electric utility and franchise rights.
1. Call to Order by Mayor O’Neil. 2. Approval of Edmond City Council Meeting Minutes – March 10, 2008 (5-9) 3. Approval of Edmond City Council Special Meeting Minutes – March 6, 2008
City Council Presentations: A) Presentation Recognizing March 2008 as DeMolay Month. B) Presentation to the Arbor Day Poster Contest winners in the City of Edmond. C) Proclamation Recognizing March 24 to March 28 as Arbor Week.
City Council Appointments to Boards and Commissions: A) Mayor’s Appointment of Janet Kem to the Arts and Humanities Council to replace Brenda Hornbeek; term expires February 2011. B) Mayor’s Appointment of Miles Mitzner to the Visual Arts Commission to replace Dr. Krista Jones; term expires March 2011. C) Mayor’s Appointment of Cindy Young to the Edmond Historic Preservation Trust to replace Bob Eaton; term expires March 2011.
General Consent Items: A) Consideration of Approval of Administrative Items: 1) Acceptance of City Manager’s Financial Report. (19-25) 2) Acceptance of City Treasurer’s Investment Report. (27-29) 3) Acceptance of Agreement between the Edmond Historical Society and the Edmond Historic Preservation Trust to provide for the operations and management of Edmond’s First Public Schoolhouse, located at 124 E. Second Street. (31-33) 4) Approval of Transfer of Appropriation to rebuild the crossing at 33rd Street. Funding to be provided in the 2000 Capital Improvements Tax Fund (CIPTF); $45,250. (35-36) 5) Approval of Transfer of Appropriation from the 2000 Capital Improvement Sales Tax Fund for the Kelly Widening from Danforth to Coffee Creek; $900,000. (37)
Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ Amending Title 10 of Edmond Municipal Code to add new Chapter 10.62 – Low-Speed Electrical Vehicles; Section 10.62.010 Definition; Section 10.62.020 Requirements; Section 10.62.030 Restrictions; and Section 10.62.040 Prohibition; and Providing for Repealer and Severability.
General Consent Items: A) Approval of Purchases: 1) Approval of an Emergency Construction Contract with Krapff-Reynolds Construction Company for Brookhaven North and Fairfax Golf Course Sanitary Sewer Repairs; $262,322.50. (57) 2) Acceptance of Bid for Clarifier Pipe Cleaning at the Water Treatment Plant; $72,072
Planning Consent Items: A) Public Hearing and Consideration of Request by Paul Iser to amend the previously accepted plat of the Augusta Farms Addition, regarding a deed approval to modify Lots 6 and 7, Block 1, Augusta Farms. (Paul Iser) (61-64) B) Case #PR070048 Consideration of Final Plat of the Summit II at Oak Tree, located south of Waterloo Road, approximately ½ mile east of Kelly. (Oak Tree Partners, LLC)
Case #SP070020 Public Hearing and Consideration of Extension of Commercial Site Plan for the Bridges at Spring Creek Shopping Center, generally located east of Bryant Avenue, north of 15th Street, south of Pelican Bay and Hafer Park. (Sooner Development)
Case #SP080001 Public Hearing and Consideration of Site Plan approval for a fire sprinkled office building at the Shoppes at Central Parke, located on the northwest corner of Kelly and West Edmond Road. (Aduddell)
Case #Z080006 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ amending Edmond Plan from Lake Commercial to Suburban Estate, located south of Clipper Crossing, east of I-35 and west of Perth Drive. (Land Improvement, LLC) Emergency Approval Required Case #Z080007 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ Rezoning from “L-4” General Lake Commercial to “R-2A” Suburban Estate Dwelling District, located south of Clipper Crossing, east of I-35 and west of Perth Drive. (Land Improvement, LLC)
Case #Z080004 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ amending Edmond Plan from Education/Institutional to General Commercial for a 1,546 square feet area for a cellular communication tower, generally located immediately north of the YMCA building, east of Rankin. (T-Mobile) Emergency Approval Required Case #Z080005 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ Rezoning from “A” Single Family Dwelling District to “E-1” General Commercial District for a cellular communication tower, generally located immediately north of the YMCA building, east of Rankin. (T-Mobile)
Executive Session to discuss pending claims: Assemi vs. City; Hatchel vs. City. (Executive Session authorized pursuant to 25 Okla. Stat. Section 307 (B)(4).
Discussion and Consideration of Edmond’s opposition to pending House Bill 1739 regarding electric utility and franchise rights.