Appointments to Boards and Commissions
City Council Appointments to Boards and Commissions: A) Mayor’s Appointment of Ken Rees to the Edmond Historic Preservation Trust to replace Dr. Bob Eaton; term expires January 2011. B) University of Central Oklahoma Reappointment of Charlie Johnson to the Central Edmond Urban Development Board; term expires October 2008.
3) Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No.__3122_ Amending Title 5 of The Edmond Municipal Code by Adding New Sections 5.04.160(A) Providing for Active Water Supply to Toilet Facilities; 5.04.160(B) Exceptions; 5.04.160(C) Penalty; and Providing for Repealer and Severability. (31-34)
4) Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No.__3123__ Amending Title 10 of the Edmond Municipal Code by adding Section 10.28.210 Providing for overtaking and passing of bicycle.
6. General Consent Items: A) Consideration of Approval of Administrative Items: 1) Approval of Transfer of Appropriation from Solid Waste-Reserve for Emergencies/Shortfalls; $80,000. (59-60) B) Approval of Purchases: 1) Approval of Change Order No. 1 to the construction contract with United Trenching Inc. for the 12” Waterline Improvements, South of Covell, Santa Fe to Western; $1,931.12 decrease. (61) 2) Approval of Change Order No. 1 with Re-Con for the Ketch Substation Project; $12,521.06. (62) 3) Acceptance of Proposal and Approval of an Agreement with EnviroSolve, LLC to conduct a Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) citizen’s drop off event on April 12, 2008; $59,202.93. (63-64)
7. Case #Z070036 Public Hearing and Consideration of Amendment to the original Covell Village Planned Unit Development Design Statement, regarding trailers and storage utility buildings on property generally located west of Kelly, south Covell Road. (Covell Property Development, LLC) (65-88)
8. Case #Z070039 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ for a Plan Amendment from General Commercial to PUD allowing Open Display for a garden center at 400 South Bryant, in the Bryant Square Shopping Center. (Under The Sun) (Emergency Approval Required) (89-91)
9. Case #Z070040 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ Rezoning from “D-2” Neighborhood Commercial District to Planned Unit Development to allow Open Display for the Under The Sun Garden Center, at 400 S. Bryant in the Bryant Square Shopping Center. (Under The Sun)
10. Case #Z070037 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ for Amendment of the Edmond Plan from Suburban Office PUD and Office Commercial PUD to “E-1” General Commercial on 29.16 acres, located north of Henderson Hills
11. Case #Z070038 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ Rezoning from “D-3” Suburban Office PUD and “C-1” Low Density Multi-Family PUD to “E-1” General Commercial on 29.16 acres, located north of Henderson Hills Baptist Church, east of I-35. (Integris)
12. Case #Z070035 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ Rezoning from “A” Single Family Dwelling to “E-1” General Commercial District on property located south of East Second Street, at 501 Wade Martin Drive. (Oxford Development, Inc.) (109-110)
12. Case #Z070035 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ Rezoning from “A” Single Family Dwelling to “E-1” General Commercial District on property located south of East Second Street, at 501 Wade Martin Drive. (Oxford Development, Inc.) (109-110)
13. Case #Z070041 Public Hearing and Consideration of an Amendment and Extension of the Edmond Town Center, zoned “E-1” General Commercial Planned Unit Development, located south of Danforth, west of Kelly, containing 36 acres. (D.J. Christie)
14. Discussion and Consideration of possible rezoning of residential subdivisions that are zoned differently than developed.
15. Executive Session to discuss pending claim: Assemi vs. City. (Executive Session authorized pursuant to 25 Okla. Stat. Section 307 (B)(4).
Appointments to Boards and Commissions
City Council Appointments to Boards and Commissions: A) Mayor’s Appointment of Ken Rees to the Edmond Historic Preservation Trust to replace Dr. Bob Eaton; term expires January 2011. B) University of Central Oklahoma Reappointment of Charlie Johnson to the Central Edmond Urban Development Board; term expires October 2008.
3) Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No.__3122_ Amending Title 5 of The Edmond Municipal Code by Adding New Sections 5.04.160(A) Providing for Active Water Supply to Toilet Facilities; 5.04.160(B) Exceptions; 5.04.160(C) Penalty; and Providing for Repealer and Severability. (31-34)
4) Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No.__3123__ Amending Title 10 of the Edmond Municipal Code by adding Section 10.28.210 Providing for overtaking and passing of bicycle.
6. General Consent Items: A) Consideration of Approval of Administrative Items: 1) Approval of Transfer of Appropriation from Solid Waste-Reserve for Emergencies/Shortfalls; $80,000. (59-60) B) Approval of Purchases: 1) Approval of Change Order No. 1 to the construction contract with United Trenching Inc. for the 12” Waterline Improvements, South of Covell, Santa Fe to Western; $1,931.12 decrease. (61) 2) Approval of Change Order No. 1 with Re-Con for the Ketch Substation Project; $12,521.06. (62) 3) Acceptance of Proposal and Approval of an Agreement with EnviroSolve, LLC to conduct a Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) citizen’s drop off event on April 12, 2008; $59,202.93. (63-64)
7. Case #Z070036 Public Hearing and Consideration of Amendment to the original Covell Village Planned Unit Development Design Statement, regarding trailers and storage utility buildings on property generally located west of Kelly, south Covell Road. (Covell Property Development, LLC) (65-88)
8. Case #Z070039 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ for a Plan Amendment from General Commercial to PUD allowing Open Display for a garden center at 400 South Bryant, in the Bryant Square Shopping Center. (Under The Sun) (Emergency Approval Required) (89-91)
9. Case #Z070040 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ Rezoning from “D-2” Neighborhood Commercial District to Planned Unit Development to allow Open Display for the Under The Sun Garden Center, at 400 S. Bryant in the Bryant Square Shopping Center. (Under The Sun)
10. Case #Z070037 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ for Amendment of the Edmond Plan from Suburban Office PUD and Office Commercial PUD to “E-1” General Commercial on 29.16 acres, located north of Henderson Hills
11. Case #Z070038 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ Rezoning from “D-3” Suburban Office PUD and “C-1” Low Density Multi-Family PUD to “E-1” General Commercial on 29.16 acres, located north of Henderson Hills Baptist Church, east of I-35. (Integris)
12. Case #Z070035 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ Rezoning from “A” Single Family Dwelling to “E-1” General Commercial District on property located south of East Second Street, at 501 Wade Martin Drive. (Oxford Development, Inc.) (109-110)
12. Case #Z070035 Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance No._______ Rezoning from “A” Single Family Dwelling to “E-1” General Commercial District on property located south of East Second Street, at 501 Wade Martin Drive. (Oxford Development, Inc.) (109-110)
13. Case #Z070041 Public Hearing and Consideration of an Amendment and Extension of the Edmond Town Center, zoned “E-1” General Commercial Planned Unit Development, located south of Danforth, west of Kelly, containing 36 acres. (D.J. Christie)
14. Discussion and Consideration of possible rezoning of residential subdivisions that are zoned differently than developed.
15. Executive Session to discuss pending claim: Assemi vs. City. (Executive Session authorized pursuant to 25 Okla. Stat. Section 307 (B)(4).