A. Case #PR22-00005 Public Hearing and Consideration of the Final Plat for Bristol Park Commercial II, located on the north side of East 33rd Street, East of Santa Fe Avenue. (Danforth Development, LLC)
B. Case #PR22-00002 Public Hearing and Consideration for a Preliminary Plat for The Gardens III at Kelly Lakes, located on the south side of Sorghum Mill Road, east of Kelly Avenue. (Premium Land, LLC)
C. Case #PR22-00004 Public Hearing and Consideration of the Final Plat for Woodland Park VII, located on the north side of Coffee Creek Road, east of Douglas Boulevard. (Woodland Park Edmond, LLC)
13. Citizens Comments - (This is an opportunity for citizens, both resident and non-resident, to address the City Council on city related matters not on the council agenda. Citizens Must sign up to speak either online by 3:00 p.m. the day of the City Council meeting, or in person by the start of the meeting. Remarks should be directed to City Council as a whole and limited to three minutes or less.)
A. Case #PR22-00005 Public Hearing and Consideration of the Final Plat for Bristol Park Commercial II, located on the north side of East 33rd Street, East of Santa Fe Avenue. (Danforth Development, LLC)
B. Case #PR22-00002 Public Hearing and Consideration for a Preliminary Plat for The Gardens III at Kelly Lakes, located on the south side of Sorghum Mill Road, east of Kelly Avenue. (Premium Land, LLC)
C. Case #PR22-00004 Public Hearing and Consideration of the Final Plat for Woodland Park VII, located on the north side of Coffee Creek Road, east of Douglas Boulevard. (Woodland Park Edmond, LLC)
13. Citizens Comments - (This is an opportunity for citizens, both resident and non-resident, to address the City Council on city related matters not on the council agenda. Citizens Must sign up to speak either online by 3:00 p.m. the day of the City Council meeting, or in person by the start of the meeting. Remarks should be directed to City Council as a whole and limited to three minutes or less.)